Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Dang Christmas!

Alright, so blogging lately has been somewhat non-existent for me lately.  Sorry, about that, eh?  But since it's that time of year (Christmas letter time), and since I didn't really send Christmas letters this year, here's what our family's been up to lately:

-Aaron continues to work for the same company.  He's been there for over 10 year and still enjoys it. He heads the IT department and has fun spending other people's money.  He didn't travel nearly as much this year as he has been in the past, which was nice for us. 

-Megan is at home with the younguns.  Next year(!) when Maddie's in Kindergarten, we may have to re-think that arrangement, but for now it's been great.  I've been enjoying Zumba lately- both attending classes and teaching every now and then. I discovered almond milk this year which has led to a resurgence in my obsession with cereal.  (Random, I know!)

-Parks loves first grade.  He loves his teacher, he loves learning, he loves recess, he loves school lunch.  Hopefully we'll survive these next couple of weeks without school. He loves playing with friends, creating things, and playing video games.  His latest obsession is Word Mole on Aaron's phone.  Good thing we don't have a gaming system or we may never see him.

-Maddie is just crazy  full of life!  She has so much energy.  She literally dances, jumps, and runs her way through life, sometimes on her hands.  She is fun and funny too.  She loves loves loves to sing.  Every night she falls asleep to her songs and we can hear her singing in her room.  She's really enjoyed preschool this year and is proud of the way she can write letters and sound out some words.

So that's a brief synopsis of our year.  Merry Dang Christmas from our family to yours!

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