Monday, November 1, 2010

Sunday, Sunday

I don't know what Sunday is like at your house, but at ours it can get a bit, well, goofy.  At our house we have a "No TV" and "No Friends" rule on Sundays.  So needless to say, we get a little sick of each other and a little silly by the end of the day. Hopefully with a later church time next year the day won't seem so long.  But until then, here's what some of our recent Sunday antics have entailed.

I'm thinking Maddie missed the stop at wardrobe before her YMCA debut. 

What is it with the booty shakin'? Sigh.  We love Sundays.

1 comment:

Sharlee said...

Have you been practicing Zoomba with your kids? Cuz... that booty shakin' looks a little familiar.

I love the stuffed bums. When we were little we played a game in my family called "excuse me". We stuffed our shirts and bums and walked around bonking into each other and and saying "excuse me." Crazy Sunday fun.