Saturday, October 30, 2010


So, have you ever been reading a blog that was over the top with someone gushing about their kid, and you thought, "Enough already!"?  Well, full disclosure/ fair warning here:  This is going to be one of those posts. 

We just had Parks' parent-teacher conference this week.  I've decided those conferences are parent pay-back time.  It's either the time you feel really guilty about all the things your kid is not doing (read: all the things you're not doing as a parent), or it's a time where you just get to revel in the fact that maybe you are doing an OK job as a parent.

In Parks' case, I just loved every minute of his teacher telling him (and us) how wonderful he is.  These are the exact words she wrote on his assessment:

"I think I should just steal you and take you home with me.  You are a great friend, great reader, great listener, super on task 1st grader.  Great mathematician, great writer, and an awesome student.  What a smartie!  I think you are super great!  Keep up the good work."

Honestly, what parent is not going to feel good knowing someone else sees how wonderful their child is?  I guess as a parent you want and hope and wish your child is the perfect little angel when they're away from home. So it's nice to know he actually has learned how to behave and listen and learn, even if he doesn't always do so at home.  Know what I mean?

He also had a part in his class Halloween program last night.  Unfortunately, I was heading up a ward chili cook off, so I couldn't be there, but he had plenty of support from Aaron, Maddie, and G&G Cameron.  And thank heaven for video.  Here is part of his part:

(He was "The Thing" from Fabulous 4 for Halloween.)

Finally, I kept thinking that Parks was over his phase of creating and drawing every minute of his life.  It seemed like he hadn't created anything for awhile and I thought he'd moved on from that phase for a minute.  Well, apparently all he needs is some holiday to inspire him.  He created most of these pictures in just a day, although some were made at school.  They are now proudly displayed on his bedroom door.

Anyway, I just love this boy.  He is the best and I'm so glad he's part of our family.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He's a good oaf! We'll take him any day!